10 Easy And Effective Homemade Hair Masks For Dry Hair

10 Easy And Effective Homemade Hair Masks For Dry Hair

Green tea is rich in antioxidants. It stimulates the hair follicles, boosts hair growth, adds moisture.

Green Tea

Coconut milk is super hydrating for your hair. It is also nutrient-dense, which helps in repairing dry and damaged hair.

Coconut Milk

Cinnamon boosts blood circulation, thus soothing an itchy, irritated scalp, which is often linked to dandruff.

Cinnamon Hair Mask

Aloe vera has moisturizing properties (5). This homemade hair mask for frizzy hair provides intense hydration.

Aloe Vera

Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (6). This mask conditions your hair and helps fight dryness.

Flax Seed Hair Mask

Avocado is a superfood. It is abundant in healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids and essential amino acids.


Amla helps in hair strengthening and promotes hair growth. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants


Fenugreek is traditionally used as a remedy for hair growth. Although there is no scientific evidence.

Fenugreek Seeds

Henna contains phenolic compounds that combat a number of hair issues like lice and dandruff.

Henna Leaves

If you have an oily scalp and dandruff, witch hazel can help curb these issues and unclog your pores.

Witch hazel

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