Shampoos not only make your hair look great but may also damage it.
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) has a pH of 9. It works as an effective cleanser and acid neutralizer.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a pH of 4.5 to 5.5, similar to that of the scalp. TThis pH brings your hair back.
Lemon juice also has a low pH and helps restore the natural hair balance. It also boosts scalp health.
Bentonite Clay has great moisturizing properties and draws out excess oil and dirt. It has been widely used as a hair.
Light rye flour works for all hair types and is a very mild hair wash. It helps treat itchy and dry scalp.
Shampooing your hair every day can make your hair dry by stripping off the natural oils from your scalp.
Co-Washing or conditioner-only washing, suits those with drier or curlier hair. Wash your hair with a conditioner.
African black soap is favored for hair washing due to its natural, chemical-free composition. It contains nourishing.
Castile soap is an excellent choice for hair washing because it’s a plant-based, natural cleanser without harsh chemicals.